Family Serving Family
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Over the last 25 years, we have been dedicated to our clients and committed to providing exceptional service.
Cornerstone Funeral Home Ltd., open in the fall of 1995, was the first funeral home in southern Alberta to have all amenities under one roof. Cornerstone also offers an Aftercare Program which assists families with the multitude of forms to be completed in the days following the funeral.
As a way of acknowledging the loved one’s anniversary and giving back to the community, Cornerstone offers complimentary Memorial Doves to all families that have lost a loved one. Since they opened Cornerstone, Ralph and Faith Zentner have given out over 100,000 Memorial Doves to bereaved families of southern Alberta.
Cornerstone has been honoured to win the Business of the Year Award in the Professional/Service Category in 2002. They were also presented the Estelle Botfield Memorial Award for excellence in customer service, as well as being one of the finalists for the Provincial Award from the Chamber of Commerce. Ralph and Faith Zentner were also selected as finalists for the Better Business Bureau Award of Distinction, a province-wide event.
Our team at Cornerstone is truly honoured to serve.
Owner, Funeral Director & Embalmer
Co-Founder, Funeral Director & Embalmer
Funeral Director & Embalmer
Fleet Manager, Funeral Director & Embalmer
Office Manager & Funeral Director
Funeral Director & Embalmer, Aftercare Counsellor
Life Celebrant, Monument Counsellor, Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer
Apprentice Funeral Director & Embalmer / Livestream Technician
Property Manager & Funeral Attendant
Aftercare Counsellor & Commissioner of Oaths
Office Administrator
Licensed Pre-Need Counsellor
Prearrangement Counsellor
Funeral Attendant
Funeral Attendant & Commissioner of Oaths
Honourable Support Staff
Support Staff
Funeral Director
Funeral Director & Embalmer
Funeral Director & Embalmer
Support Staff
Support Staff
Support Staff
Support Staff
Support Staff