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Wyton, (Vera) Ruth

(Vera) Ruth Wyton (nee Wiens) is sitting at the feet of her redeemer Jesus having quietly passed Monday, September 12, 2022 in Brooks, Alberta at the age of 85 years.

(Vera) Ruth Wyton (nee Wiens) is sitting at the feet of her redeemer Jesus having quietly passed Monday, September 12, 2022 in Brooks, Alberta at the age of 85 years.

Beloved wife of the late Ralph Wyton, she leaves to mourn her four children: Rod (Lorrie), Laurel (Gary Harker), Darrel (Dawna), and Lynn (Lara McMillan); her nine deeply loved grandchildren: Tyler (Megan), Cameron, Blaine (Christine), Daniel, Katelin (Paul Bouchard), Joel, Jordan (Miriam), Moira and Kimberleigh; and her six precious great-grandchildren: Chase, Carter, Jack, Aubrey, Cole and Raiya. Our mother passed unexpectedly, having kept vigil over several days for her dear son, Darrel, at the Brooks Palliative Care Unit, who also passed away September 12. Our family is in shock and we are deeply saddened. But we have Faith and know we will be ok as we love, grieve and draw together.

Also mourning are numerous loving nieces and nephews and grand-nieces and -nephews in both the Wyton and Wiens clans. She is survived by her sisters-in-law Geneva Wyton and Olive Wiens. She was predeceased by her parents, Frank and Helena Wiens of Coaldale; and her seven siblings: Katherine, Abram, Frank, Ellen, Lucille, Mary and Neil.

Ruth was born June 26, 1937 in Cochrane, Alberta. At the age of four, her family moved to Coaldale where Ruth has been a life-long resident. Ralph and Ruth managed The Coaldale Thrift Shop from 1976 to 1987. Ruth was the Coaldale Food Bank Coordinator from 1990 to 2001, along with Ralph as her transportation supervisor. She was awarded Coaldale Citizen of the Year in 1997.

At the age of six, Ruth gave her heart to the Lord and spent her life living in His love. As an expression of Christ's love, Ruth offered her gifts of service and helping to everyone. She loved people, big dogs and pansies (because of their smiley faces). For all her close and wide family and dear friends, Mom was an extraordinary person who loved and lived with commitment and vigour.

A Memorial Service will be held at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 1614 - 5 Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB, on Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 2:00 P.M. with Dr. Bruce Martin officiating. The service will be livestreamed and may be accessed through Ruth's obituary on the Cornerstone website.

Donations gratefully received by Bridges of Hope (marked 'in memory of Ruth Wyton'), PO Box 81, Station Main, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3

Very sorry to hear of Ruth's passing. She was always a wonderful person and was very good to us. She will be sorely missed.

Brad Wiebe, October 31, 2022

Our condolences to all of Ruth's family and friends.....she was a dear saint who loved the Lord with her whole heart and it showed in her many relationships. She will be deeply missed at First Baptist --in the sanctuary where she worshipped among friends, in the Sunday School class and the Smith Malcolm group, as a prayer warrior and friend to all. We thank the Lord for her.

Gordon & Julie Hunt, October 30, 2022

I watched the Livestream. So many of my memories of how Ruth was so accepting & truly showing us her love of us all whenever I'd run into her.

Christine Rollack, October 29, 2022

Our condolences to all of Ruth's family and friends.....she was a dear saint who loved the Lord with her whole heart and it showed in her many relationships. She will be deeply missed at First Baptist --in the sanctuary where she worshipped among friends, in the Sunday School class and the Smith Malcolm group, as a prayer warrior and friend to all. We thank the Lord for her.

Gordon & Julie Hunt, October 29, 2022

My deepest condolences to Lynn and the entire family, and all of Ruth's friends and loved ones. My thoughts are with you as you mourn and celebrate a great life.

Jim Rudolph, October 28, 2022

We were all sadden to hear of Ruth's passing. She was a great supporter of our thrift store and always so kind and caring. She recently dropped off a fruit tray for our workers and we were very grateful. Wonderful lady.

Coaldale United Church Thrift Store, September 21, 2022

So very sorry to hear of your Mom & Brothers passing. Ruth was such a lovely lady & she gave her so much to our town. Ralph & Ruth were great people. Our sympathies to your family on your loss

Shari Dorscheid, September 21, 2022

To George, Perry,Melissa and grandchildren. It is with deep sadness and condolences to you and all George and Maria was just like brother and sister to us for 44 yrs. We did many things together that we can par a real blood relationship. They were both remarkable person and we can only remember the days and they will continue to being our hearts until we meet again. You are now together in heaven and keep dancing there. When time comes for us we will be reunited. Jokes and funny stuffs and life stories we shared will ease me my dear sister at heart. I will miss you. love ??? you both RIP

Flore & Co Langeslag, September 21, 2022

So very sorry to hear of your Mom & Brothers passing. Ruth was such a lovely lady & she gave her so much to our town. Ralph & Ruth were great people. Our sympathies to your family on your loss

Shari Dorscheid, September 21, 2022

My heart goes out to your whole family as you walk through the loss of both Darrel and Gramma Ruth. Aunt Ruth was one of my favourite people of all time. She was an inspiration to me from the earliest days I can remember and was dearly loved by our whole family. I most recently visited with her at the funeral for my father and her brother in law Lawrence Wyton. Having moved to london 39 years ago I was not able to see aunt Ruth as much as I would have enjoyed but ever visit we ever had I will treasure. God bless you so all in this transition of separation and look forward to seeing her again. Much love.

Greg Wyton, September 21, 2022

Words can not begin to express my sorrow at learning of your mom's death. She was my mentor and encourager and I loved her dearly. Please know I pray for you all in your sorrow. May you know comfort and peace. Erin

Erin Phillips, September 21, 2022

I am sorry I can't be there in person, I will be observing this on livestream, What an amazing obituary.

Donna Terry, September 16, 2022