Quelle tristesse , sympathies ? toute la famille
Steve cote,
August 10, 2023
C'est avec une grande tristesse et beaucoup d'?motion que j'apprends, seulement maintenant, que Claudia nous a quitt?s. Temps, distance, famille, travail nous ont ?loign?s depuis mon d?part de Guelph, mais je conserve tant de bons souvenirs de sorties ? v?lo, de randonnées, de discussions philosophiques ou scientifiques passionnantes... Claudia, avec sa fougue, son entrain et son sourire inspirait tous ceux qui la c?toyaient. Mes plus sinc?res condol?ances ? Jollin, Sophie et Tristan, ainsi qu'? toute sa famille.
Christophe La Hovary,
January 15, 2021
So sorry to hear of Claudia's passing. I knew her professionally for more than 10 years. She was always a joy to talk to. intelligent and articulate, and always full of life. I loved her stories of jumping from a helicopter to check a snow pack and having to ski out. She will be missed.
Michael McDonell,
August 19, 2020
Claudia touched my life only a few times over the years through work, but each time held a great impact. Within the first few minutes of meeting her you knew she was in love with the Rocky Mountains and her positive energy was very inspirational and uplifting. I am deeply saddened by the news of her passing. My sincere condolences to her family.
Joanne Baillie,
August 19, 2020
I just found out about Claudia's passing. I am shocked and deeply sad ... a true loss. Although our paths crossed infrequently on campus, I believe she made a significant impact in her short years on this earth. I will be keeping her and her family in my prayers over the next while. In sorrow.
Dawn McBride,
August 19, 2020
I was crushed when I heard of Clo's tragic passing and have spent the remainder of the day reminiscing about her amazing spirit, intelligence and ability to light up whatever room she walked into. My most sincere and heartfelt condolences to her family- please accept my best wishes and words, as inadequate as they may be, to help you through this difficult time but know that there is a very large community of people that mourn with you.
Marcus Kim,
August 15, 2020
Mes sinc?res condol?ances ? toute votre famille, surtout ? mon cousin Gilles et sa famille. Pierrette (famille Aur?lien & Blandine Ferland).
Pierrette Ferland Vachon,
August 14, 2020
Toutes nos sympathies ? la famille. Nos pens?es sont avec vous. xxx
Kate, Rose et Samuel,
August 5, 2020
C'est avec une grande ?motion que nous avons appris cette triste nouvelle. Au nom de la communaut? francophone, l'ACFA Lethbridge vous partage nos plus sinc?res condol?ances. Nos pens?es sont avec vous.
ACFA Lethbridge,
August 5, 2020
Jollin, Tristan et Sophie, j'ai connu Claudia en 1997-98 ? Guelph, alors que nous ?tions toutes deux ?tudiantes. J'?tais en ?change avec mon universit? en france et nous avons partag? des moments lumineux et de beaux ?clats de rires quand j'effectuais un m?moire dans le laboratoire de biologie environnementale ? cot? du sien et que j'enchainais les castrophes ... Nous ?tions un petit groupes dans ce labo et nous sommes devenus amis. C'est l'un deux qui m'a pr?venu de cette terrible nouvelle. Jollin, nous nous ?tions aussi rencontr?s chez des amis ? moi ? Laval. Je suis ? la fois si choqu?e et si triste. Malgr? la distance et meme si nous avions peu de contacts, Claudia comptait beaucoup pour moi et j'appr?ciais tant son in?puisable ?nergie que son humour, sa rigueur et son excellence scientifique, et surtout sa belle amiti?. Je suis de tout coeur avec vous dans cette terrible ?preuve et je partage votre chagrin. avec toute mon amiti?, Karine
Karine Leger,
August 5, 2020
Claudia, you were such a wonderful and kind person. You were a unique balance of strength and kindness, fun and intent. I was fortunate to learn from you and to receive your support. I still can not believe that the affections and wishes I received before moving were for the last time. Your laughter and fun will certainly be missed.
My deepest sympathies for the family and close ones.
Palak Kathiria,
August 1, 2020
Jollin, Tristan and Sophie: I wish you peace, healing, and comfort during this sad time. May the hole in your heart begin to mend as you find ways to honour Claudia's life and legacy.
Nicole Seitz Vermeer,
August 1, 2020
My sincere condolences to Claudia's family. Claudia did most of her Ph.D. research in my lab at the NRC in Ottawa. It was a real pleasure to have her as a member of our group. She was respected and well-liked by all her colleagues. She was a very special and very talented person.
Roger MacKenzie,
July 31, 2020
My condolences. Claudia was a very bright light to so many. She will be sorely missed. Very sorry for your loss during these difficult times.
Alexa Alexander Trusiak,
July 30, 2020
Mes condol?ances ? Jollin et aux enfants ainsi qu'? sa famille et belle-famille.
Francine Sabourin,
July 30, 2020
Mes sympathies ? toute la famille...
Martin Couture Magalie Couture,
July 29, 2020
Very sad... only met Claudia once during Zoom meeting as I just started job. I cannot believe she's gone already. May her soul in peace and thoughts be with her family.
Christine Liu,
July 29, 2020
Claudia, your enthusiasm and contributions to water quality and agriculture have been an inspiration for those of us in irrigation to do better. You will be missed. Our condolences to Jollin and family.
Chris Gallagher & the folks at Taber Irrigation District,
July 29, 2020
Jollin, Tristan, and Sophie - My sincere condolences on this tragic loss. You are all in my thoughts.
Joanne Little,
July 29, 2020
Mes sympathies ? toute la famille...
Martin Couture Magalie Couture,
July 28, 2020
Dear Jollin, Tristan and Sophie,
Please know that we will miss Claudia so much. As apparent from the very touching memorial event this morning, she was the joy and inspiration for so many. Hugs of condolence, Rose and Kevin
Rose De Clerck-Floate & Kevin Floate,
July 28, 2020
My deepest sympathies to Jollin, Tristan, Sophie and all Claudia's family and friends. My thoughts are with you at this sad time. Clo was an inspiration to me, both as an accomplished scientist and a strong woman who lived life to the fullest. Thank you Claudia for all the good that you brought into this world. You will be missed.
Shannon Frank,
July 28, 2020
All of us at OWC will miss Claudia's positivity and passion for science. She was a treasured volunteer, director and friend. We were fortunate to work with her for 10 years. Claudia's accomplishments as a researcher inspire us and we will miss her dearly. Our deepest condolences to Jollin, Tristan, Sophie and all her family and friends.
Oldman Watershed Council,
July 28, 2020
Claudia, was a believer in people, process and an inspiration. Her impact on my life cannot be overstated, nor will it diminish. To say she will be missed is an understatement of the grossest kind. Please feel my sincere and deep condolences as those whom she left behind. the world is all just a little darker without her and certainly fully with a little less laughter.
Carl Holland,
July 28, 2020
I am so sorry to hear about Claudia, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Debbie Werk,
July 28, 2020
Claudia was one of the best colleagues I've worked with. Her passion for work and enthusiasm for life inspires us.
Gongchen Li, Alberta Environment & Parks,
July 28, 2020
Claudia, was a believer in people, process and an inspiration. Her impact on my life cannot be overstated, nor will it diminish. To say she will be missed is an understatement of the grossest kind. Please feel my sincere and deep condolences as those whom she left behind. the world is all just a little darker without her and certainly fully with a little less laughter.
Carl Holland,
July 28, 2020
Claudia will be missed by all who knew her. My sincere condolences to Jollin, Tristan, Sophie and family. What a fantastic woman, mother, and scientist.
Denis Gaudet,
July 28, 2020
I offer my sincere condolences who all who knew and loved Claudia Sheedy. I knew her only in her professional capacity and her enthusiasm for her work was admirable and infectious. I first met her on the banks of the Oldman River, where she was taking water samples for an Oldman Watershed Council project. Later encounters involved her research and work on the degradation of agricultural chemicals and her development of a bio-bed at the Agriculture Canada research facility as well as work on a manual that would allow farmers to establish bio-beds in their own operations. I believe her efforts will remain an important contribution to environmental stewardship on Canadian farms. As an agricultural reporter, I was appreciative of Claudia's willingness to discuss her research and explain it in a way that could be easily understood and thus provided to a wider audience. I am saddened at her loss. She will never be forgotten.
Barb Glen,
July 28, 2020
Our deepest condolences to you, Jollin, and your family on this tragic loss. Claudia was a wonderful and joyful person. We hope you find the support and love from you family and friends as you make your way though this hardship. You, Tristan, and Sophie are in our thoughts.
Barry & Edith Olson,
July 28, 2020
Mes sympathies ? toutes la famille. Bon courage dans cette ?preuve.
Alain Mathieu,
July 28, 2020
Sending you our love.
Sarah, Daven, Violet, & John Thon,
July 28, 2020
Jollin, Tristan et Sophie, Nous vous offrons ? nouveau nos plus sinc?res condol?ances. Le sourire de Claudia restera grav? dans nos m?moires tout comme la magnifique et touchante c?r?monie rendant hommage ? la femme rayonnante que Claudia ?tait. xxx
Famille Grenier Moore,
July 28, 2020
Jollin, Tristan and Shophie, I am so sorry for your loss and I wish you all the strength in the world in this difficult time. Claudia and I started our research collaboration about 15-years ago and I still remember us laughing in that first phone call that connected us. I thank her for her wisdom, support and never ending fun during our collaborations. Claudia, you will always be my most favourite colleague, and friend. I miss you.
Annemieke Farenhorst,
July 28, 2020
Bonjour Jollin
Nous sommes de tout coeur avec toi face ? ce triste ?v?nement Sinc?res sympathies ? toi et ? toute ta famille
Amicalement Richard (Pamphile Le May)
Th r se et Richard Blouin,
July 28, 2020
Nos sympathies ? toute la famille. Nos pens?es sont avec vous dans ces moments difficiles.
Karine Daigle, Dominic, Marco et Nicolas Tremblay,
July 28, 2020
Claudia ?tait admirable ? tout point de vue. Je l'ai ador?e d?s que je l'ai connue. Merci pour les moments riches et vrais pass?s ensemble. J'aurais aim? qu'il y en ait d'autres. Jolin, mes pens?es sont et seront avec toi. Je te souhaite beaucoup de force et de courage ? toi et aux enfants. Sindy
July 28, 2020
j offre mes condol?ances a mon beau frere Patrick et ma soeur Caroline et a toute votre famille
Eric Lapointe
Eric Lapointe,
July 28, 2020
Mes pens?es ? toute la famille. Claudia ?tait une femme passionnée et inspirante que j'ai la chance d'avoir eu comme cousine. Elle ne sera pas oubli?e.
Anne Sheedy,
July 28, 2020
Sinc?res Sympathies ? tout la famille. Bon courage pour traverser cette dure ?preuve.
Denise Boucher et Raynald Blanchet,
July 28, 2020
Thank you Claudia for inspiring us and all the great memories. We will never forget you.
Diana Wilches & David Relkoff,
July 28, 2020
Will always be an inspiration for adventure, character and love of life.
Carey Rowntree,
July 28, 2020
Toujours dans nos coeurs. Her beautiful smile, laugh and big heart lives on in you; Jollin, Tristan and Sophie.
Ola, Chris, Evelette and William
Ola Crook,
July 28, 2020
Elle restera dans nos coeurs...
florent gouttin,
July 28, 2020
Claudia worked with our Data Physicalization Lab at the University of Lethbridge. She was such a pleasure to work with - always so open to ideas and very generous with praise for students. Her vitality was inspiring and we all adored her. She will be missed so much.
Leanne Elias,
July 28, 2020
Je suis en pens?es avec vous dans cette ?preuve douloureuse qu'est le d?part pr?cipit? de Claudia. Carole, Gilles, Sophie, Patrick ainsi que Jolin et ses 2 enfants, je vous souhaite mes plus sinc?res condol?ances et vous envoie beaucoup de courage, d'amour et de s?r?nit?. Affectueusement M?lanie ! xxx
M lanie Langlois,
July 28, 2020
We are so sorry for your loss, and grieving with you.
Mark Kadijk,
July 28, 2020
Jollin, We are grieving with you in this tragedy and holding you in our prayers.
Ken & Bev Dorchak,
July 28, 2020
Jollin, Tristan, Sophie, and family... please accept our deepest condolences. I did not know Claudia well, but every interaction I had with her was pleasant. She was such a positive spirited individual, and she will be greatly missed by all whose lives she touched.
Cassandra & Michael Jokinen,
July 28, 2020
I have very fond memories of Claudia. What I remember best was Claudia's " crazy laugh", laughing so hard on the chairlift I was afraid she was going to fall off. Claudia always had me feel like a special person in her presence. Jollin, Tristan and Sophie, My families thoughts are truly with you at this difficult time.
Annis Family - Dave, Sandra, Sean, Matthew & Kathryn,
July 28, 2020
Au revoir ch?re cousine, tu vas nous manquer...
Christian Rouleau,
July 28, 2020
Mes plus sinc?res condol?ances ? l'ensemble de la famille et des proches de Claudia.
St phane Breton,
July 28, 2020
Mes sympathies ? toutes la famille. Bon courage dans cette ?preuve.
Alain Mathieu,
July 28, 2020
Claudia, I will always be grateful for your kindness, empowerment and warmth. You were a beacon of light and hope. May your extraordinary soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences to your loved ones.
Yidong Graham,
July 28, 2020
Mes sympathies ? toutes la famille. Bon courage dans cette ?preuve.
Alain Mathieu,
July 28, 2020
Au revoir ch?re cousine, tu vas nous manquer...
Christian Rouleau,
July 28, 2020
We are very thankful for the time we got to spend with Claudia and our thoughts are with Jollin, Tristan and Sophie
Brad & Brandy Downey,
July 28, 2020
We were Heart broke when we heard the news. We send our condolences to you Jollin, Tristan and Sophie and family. We will always remember your happy family in the patrol hut getting everyone's boots on and encouraging the kids to do their best. Claudia will be missed by so many as we all have great memories of her laugh and great spirit. Wish we could all be there to support you through this time. Ski Patrol family will always be here if you need anything. If you ever need to reach out to talk to someone please feel free to do so.
John, Jennifer & Henk Koot,
July 28, 2020
Claudia was a ray of sunshine and she will be greatly missed. Her laughter was infectious and she was a great joy to be around. Our hearts go out to Jollin, Tristan and Sophie. Condolences and big hugs to you and your family.
Janna, Donavan, Hayden & Kieran Casson,
July 28, 2020
Dear Jollin, Tristan and Sophie,
We are so sorry for your loss.
Claudia was a role model for all of us; she showed us how to live with every part of her being.
She was greatly loved and will be greatly missed.
Irene & Hubert
Irene Balutis & Hubert Birkner,
July 28, 2020
Chers amis, nos plus sinc?res condol?ances pour le d?part trop h?tif de Claudia. Vous continuez d'?tre dans nos pens?es quotidiennes et nous avons bien h?te de vous revoir en personne. Gros c?lins et rappelez-vous que notre porte vous est grande ouverte.
La Famille Blouin (Colombie-Britannique),
July 28, 2020
Our thoughts are with you guys. We feel so lucky to have known such a beautiful person and we feel lucky to have you as friends in our life. Hope you find some peace today and in the days to follow. Lots of Love.
Ryan Leavitt, Trisha Matkin, Owen Leavitt,
July 28, 2020
Une pens?e sp?ciale pour vous aujourd'hui, un moment des plus triste nous serons avec vous de fa?on virtuelle et nous vous souhaitons ? nouveau le courage n?cessaire pour vivre cette ?preuve dans la s?r?nit? .
Michelle et Robert,
July 28, 2020
I'll always remember Claudia's unrelenting optimism and infectious smile. She was an inspiration in so many ways.
Jonathan Reich,
July 28, 2020
? toi ma ch?re cousine... repose en paix xxx
Karina Gagne,
July 28, 2020
Claudia was a treasure who embodied the joy of life, dedication, and passion. She is missed. My deepest condolences to her family.
J-M Davies,
July 28, 2020
Belle Claudia, un d?part inattendue et trop t?t. Tu es maintenant une ?toile qui sans aucun doute brille tr?s fort. Veille sur tes proches et repose en paix.
Nous partageons la peine et nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous en ce moment de deuil. Bien affectueusement nos sinc?res condol?ances. xxx
Annie Lemay et Danny Harron,
July 28, 2020
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris que Claudia nous avait quitt?s.
Claudia ?tait une jeune femme dynamique et joviale qui s'est impliqu?e activement dans la communaut? francophone de Lethbridge et particuli?rement dans le comit? de cIn?MAGINE de 2013 ? 2015. Elle ?tait tr?s appr?ci?e et sa bonne humeur constante nous manquera. Le comit? de cIn?MAGINE et la direction g?n?rale pr?sentent ses plus sinc?res condol?ances ? sa famille.
La Soci t cIn MAGINE de l'Alberta, Lethbridge, AB,
July 28, 2020
I'll never forget the good times we had in the lab in Guelph...
Ryan Ramsey,
July 28, 2020
Sinc?res condol?ances ? Jollin et ses deux enfants ainsi qu'aux familles Sheedy et Charest.
Charles-Etienne T. & Barbara C.,
July 28, 2020
Nos plus sinc?res sympathies a tous les membres des familles Sheedy et Charest , Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous en ces moments difficiles.
J. Marc Lapointe & Nicole Rodrigue,
July 26, 2020
Mes sinc?res condol?ances ? toute votre famille, surtout ? mon cousin Gilles et sa famille. Pierrette (famille Aur?lien & Blandine Ferland).
Pierrette Ferland Vachon,
July 26, 2020
So tragic. My condolences to the family. As Director of Operations of the Lethbridge Research Centre, I met with Claudia many times. She laughed easily and loved life. She was a dedicated scientist with a determined curiosity, and her presence will be greatly missed.
Brian Freeze,
July 26, 2020
Ma tr?s ch?re Clo; j'ai un le grand privil?ge de t'avoir rencontr?e, il y a 6 ans, ? mon arriv?e au centre de recherche. Tu m'as alors tout de suite accueillie avec une tr?s grande gentillesse et ce fut le d?part d'une belle amiti?, spontanée. J'ai tout de suite aim? ton enthousiasme et ta bonne humeur ind?fectibles, ton incroyable ?nergie, ta fa?on de parler de tout, sans aucun filtre mais avec grand respect, ton rire si contagieux dans les corridors, qui m'annon?ait ta pr?sence. Le matin, tu passais devant mon bureau - toujours tr?s vite, comme charg?e d'une importante mission, et tu me gratifiais alors d'un joyeux : << Salut Beaut?! Ca boome?? >> qui me dynamisait pour le restant de la journée. Je n'oublierai jamais nos fous rires ni nos longues discussions passionnées. Que tout va sembler vide et vain sans toi, et que les pistes de ski de Castle Mountain vont me paraitre bien fades cet hiver! Reste en paix au Royaume des neiges ?ternelles
Elizabeth Marillia,
July 25, 2020
Sinc?res condol?ances ? Jollin et ses deux enfants ainsi qu'aux familles Sheedy et Charest.
No lla et Jacques Rousseau,
July 25, 2020
We extend our most sincere condolences.
Stewart, Dianne, Amanda & Joe Rood,
July 25, 2020
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris le d?c?s de Claudia.Nos pens?es son avec toi et tes deux enfants et les familles.Nos plus sinc?res condol?ances.
Robert et Cecile Podesto,
July 25, 2020
Nous avons ?t? tr?s attrist?s d'apprendre le d?c?s accidentel de Claudia. Nous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies ? Jollin et ses enfants, de m?me qu'aux familles Charest et Sheedy.
Suzanne Therrien et Yves Fournier,
July 25, 2020
? toute la famille j'offre mes plus sinc?res condol?ances suite au d?part de Claudia. Elle est merveilleuse en tout point. Je suis fier d'elle et depuis toujours j'admirais ce qu'elle ?tait et ce qu'elle faisait. Une eucharistie sera c?l?br?e pour le repos de son ?me ? la chapelle du Village des Sources ? Rimouski. Bon courage!
Guy Sheedy, s.c.,
July 24, 2020
We sure are going to miss you and your ability to bring everyone together to achieve a common goal. I was inspired by your positive attitude every time we had a phone call. Though I am saddened without your presence, I feel lucky that I have known you.
Venkata Vakulabharanam (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture),
July 24, 2020
Nous avons appris de Normand Labrie cette bien triste nouvelle. Nos plus sinc?res condol?ances ? Carole et Gilles, ainsi qu'? toute la famille, conjoint et enfants. Le d?part abrupt d'une personne aussi dou?e et engag?e que Claudia repr?sente une perte pour tous ceux et celles qui l'entouraient ainsi que pour la communaut?. Nous partageons votre peine.
Pierre-Paul S n chal et Diane Simard, Beaumont, Qu bec.,
July 24, 2020
I loved Claudia. Any time she saw me in the halls at work she was quick with a 'Hello Sylvia' and if she had time she would ask how I was. She was a beautiful person and I am so sad that we have had to say goodbye to her so soon. I know she is enjoing paradise now, but to all those who must wait to see her again. My deepest love and condolences to you all.
Sylvia Rothwell,
July 24, 2020
D?sol?e, comme la for?t apr?s le feu.
D?vast?s, comme la plage apr?s le tsunami.
Les ?motions sont trop fortes,
Elles retiennent la d?bacle;
Puis le soleil revient et la vie rejaillit.
Prends biens soins de toi, En attendant.
Et saches que tu es aim?.
Mes condol?ances ? le famille et aux amis de Claudia. Elle a laiss? sa marque, comme l'eau qu'elle prot?ge.
Brigitte Renaud,
July 24, 2020
Mes plus sinc?res condol?ances ? toute la famille. J'ai eu la chance de conna?tre Claudia lors de son projet au NRC ? Ottawa. J'avais beaucoup appr?ci? son enthousiasme et son sens de l'entraide.
Michel Gilbert,
July 24, 2020
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Claudia. I collaborated with Claudia on research projects, and I greatly benefited from Claudia's passion and dedication to research. Claudia was a tremendous scientist and collaborator. My heart and sympathies go out to you during this time of great loss.
Chris Yost,
July 23, 2020
Malgr? toute cette tristesse, Claudia vit encore mais autrement. Mettez-la ? contribution pour vous aider.
Gis le et Marc Sheedy,
July 23, 2020
My deepest sympathy to Claudia's family. Claudia was such a bright light, full of joy and happiness. I had the opportunity to share time with Claudia both during our collaborative research projects and during various workshops, notable the Canadian Trace Organic Workshop (which Claudia supported and presented at for many years). Claudia was a good friend, kindhearted and was always willing to offer her expertise and helping hand. She will be missed greatly.
Kerry Peru,
July 23, 2020
My heart goes out to Claudia's family. I knew her as a dynamic and talented scientist with a zest for life. There is a big void now and she will be missed. My sincere condolences to those closest to her.
Christy Morrissey,
July 23, 2020
Claudia is the life of the lab when we were studying together at the University of Guelph. Not only she brought scientific vigor to the team, her contagious smile and energy brightened the room and lifted the mood in everyone around her. Her can-do attitude together with her detail oriented principle made her an excellent scientist. In addition to pushing herself hard, she always motivated and encouraged others. When my family and I needed help, she was always there. She was always generous on her time for others, no matter how busy she was. She is forever missed. Rest in peace, Claudia.
Kerrm Yau,
July 23, 2020
Jollin, I am so sorry to hear about Claudia. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Michele Konschuh,
July 23, 2020
Nous garderons toujours ? l'esprit une maman aimante au sourire et au rire communicatif tr?s impliqu?e dans la communaut?. C'est tristement et affectueusement que nous prenons part ? votre chagrin.
Nos pens?es accompagnent toute votre famille dans cette douloureuse ?preuve.
Le personnel de l' cole La V rendrye,
July 23, 2020
You were such an amazing person Clo, I have nothing but respect and admiration for you. You did so much for me. Love you and rest in peace.
Dan Gaudet,
July 23, 2020
My deep condolences to her family. I know the pain of losing a parent at a young age, and how destabilizing grief can be. I deeply sympathize with how unfair it is, to lose so unexpectedly someone you love dearly.
Dr. Timothy Schwinghamer,
July 23, 2020
Claudia, we will always hear your laughter echo through the Rocky Mountains when we are out skiing, hiking and biking. It will always remind us to hold our loved ones dear, to laugh hard and frequently and to approach each day with openness and wonder - just as you have shown us.
Felina, Andreas & Bowen,
July 23, 2020
Claudia and I spent several years of our graduate studies together at the University of Guelph. I can never forget her contagious smile, energy, and scientific mind. Even when research in the lab were hard at times, Claudia's presence always brightened everything and lifted the mood in everyone. She often went out of her way to help and encourage others and bring everyone together as one team, which earned her the nickname of "social butterfly", not only for our lab, but for the entire Bovey Building. One interesting story to share. As usual, Claudia was active inside and outside of the lab. One day, she broke her leg while playing soccer and had to be on clutches for weeks. She had this big presentation and wouldn't miss it for anything. Even though she was advised to sit down to present, being Claudia, she refused. In the middle of the presentation, she needed to point out something on the slide, while her hands were still steadying herself with those crutches and could not hold a pointer, she decided to use one of her crutches, causing a lot of laughter in the room. I will forever remember and miss Claudia's genuine, caring, and non-self personality.
My deepest condolence to you, Sophie, Tristan and Jollin.
Kerrm Yau,
July 23, 2020
Claudia always shone brightly in the Bovey Building lab at the University of Guelph during the time I was doing my post-doc and what I remember is she made it shone even brighter for those around her. Claudia always lived large, through her smile, her engagement with the scientists around her and through her research. Nothing held her back and she was so creative in her ideas. Her extraordinary positivity helped advance our team's research. My deepest condolences to her extended family. I will forever treasure the short time I had side by side with her in the lab.
Nancy Tout,
July 23, 2020
Le d?part soudain de Claudia laissera un grand vide, autant par son enthousiasme que sa g?n?rosit? qu'elle nous offrait ? grands bras ouverts. Elle sera une source d'inspiration pour la suite des projets de recherches qu'elle menait avec tant d'entrain. Je suis avec vous dans cette douloureuse ?tape. Toutes mes sympathies ? Jollin, Tristan, Sophie, ses parents et amis.
Nadia Goussard,
July 23, 2020
Our thoughts are with you
Mitch & Rose Bonertz,
July 23, 2020
Jollin, Tristan et Sophie, je vous exprime toutes mes sinc?res condol?ances. L'?nergie de Claudia ?tait contagieuse et j'ai eu la chance de la c?toyer ces derni?res années dans le cadre de mes activit?s professionnelles ? AAC. J'en garde un souvenir tr?s heureux. J'esp?re que le temps saura all?ger votre peine.
Georges Th riault,
July 23, 2020
Une pens?e sp?ciale pour Carole et Gilles, ainsi que pour tout ceux qui ont connu leur admirable fille. ?
Marie-Eve Naud,
July 22, 2020