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Linda Shot Both Sides

Shot Both Sides, Linda

LINDA SHOT BOTH SIDES, beloved wife of Jim Shot Both Sides, of the Blood Reserve, passed away peacefully at the Fort Macleod Health Centre on Sunday, August 1, 2021, at the age of 69 years.
Delbert Many Bears

Many Bears, Delbert

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of NATAAWO'TAAN - DELBERT GEORGE MANY BEARS, August 1, 2021 at the age of 75 years old. He passed away peacefully at his residence at the West Highlands Good Samaritans, Lethbridge, AB.
Clazina Aarsen

Aarsen, Clazina

CLAZINA AARSEN, of Coalhurst, our beloved mother, Oma, and Omie went to be with her Lord and Saviour on Thursday, August 5, 2021 at the age of 91 years.
Larry Bell

Bell, Larry

ALFRED LORNE "LARRY" BELL, beloved husband of Teresa Bell, of Lethbridge, passed away peacefully at St. Michael's Health Centre, on Sunday, August 1, 2021 at the age of 80 years.
Louie Goulet

Goulet, Louie

LOUIE ZEPHIRIN GOULET passed away peacefully at Lethbridge Chinook Regional Hospital on July 18, 2021, with his family by his side.
Margaret "Florence" Pansky

Pansky, Margaret "Florence"

<p>MARGARET "FLORENCE" PANSKY (nee ALEXANDER) passed away peacefully, at St. Michael's Health Centre in Lethbridge on July 30, 2021, at the age of 91 years surrounded by her children.</p>
Albert Gust

Gust, Albert

With great sadness we announce the passing of ALBERT "OPA" GUST, beloved husband of Kathe Gust. Opa passed away peacefully on Saturday July 31, 2021 at Fairmont Extendicare Lethbridge just 3 weeks prior to his 90th birthday.
Lenie Van Eeden Petersman

Van Eeden Petersman, Lenie

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4.
Julie Manning

Manning, Julie

JULIE MANNING, beloved wife of the late Marshall Manning, passed away peacefully, but suddenly at home in Lethbridge, following a long lingering illness, at the age of 91 years.
Mary Mihalik

Mihalik, Mary

It is with extreme sadness and grief that we announce the passing of our precious mother, MARY ROSE MIHALIK, at the age of 91 on Saturday, July 31, 2021 surrounded by her family, at Chinook Regional Hospital in Lethbridge, Alberta