Melting Tallow, Frankina Coreen
FRANKINA COREEN MELTING TALLOW "FRANKIE", beloved wife to Joe Wiley of Calgary, passed away suddenly at home on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at the age of 56 years.
Besides her loving husband, Frankina is survived by her children, Naomi Melting Tallow (Nacanieli), Daina Melting Tallow (Gilbert), Melissa (Levi) Little Moustache, Jason Melting Tallow, her 14 grandchildren, six brothers and sisters, Floyd (Sharon) Melting Tallow, Frieda Melting Tallow, Melinda Melting Tallow (Arthur), Philomena Melting Tallow (Rusty), Francine Melting Tallow and Charlene (Radford) Brewer, mother-in-law Connie Poor Eagle "