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Marie Cecille Lewis

Marie Cecille Lewis

Marie Lewis, beloved wife of predeceased R.G. Dick Lewis, of Lethbridge, AB, passed away on Saturday November 20, 2021 at the age of 86 years.
Maisie Jacobson

Maisie Jacobson

On November 14, 2021, MAISIE JACOBSON, beloved wife of the late Art Jacobson, passed away peacefully at St. Therese Villa, at the age of 98 years.
Marjorie Overes

Marjorie Overes

MARJORIE LAVERNE OVERES, beloved wife of Hubert Overes, of Lethbridge, passed away at the Chinook Regional Hospital, on Thursday, November 4, 2021 at the age of 79 years.
Mary Hranac

Mary Hranac

With great sadness, we announce the passing of Mary Hranac, beloved wife of the late Fred Hranac.
Mary Ann Chantelle Provost

Mary Ann Chantelle Provost

MARY ANN CHANTELLE PROVOST, member of the Piikani Nation, began her journey to join Creator and her family in the land of paradise at the age of forty years young, on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta, surrounded by her mama, brother and sister. 
Marie Krish

Marie Krish

MARIE "ANNIE MARIE" KRISH, beloved wife of the late Roy Krish, passed away at the Chinook Regional Hospital, on Monday, October 18, 2021 at the age of 86 years.
Marie Pearson

Marie Pearson

MARIE LOUISE PEARSON of Lethbridge, beloved daughter of Jack and Margaret Look, passed away peacefully at Chinook Regional Hospital on Sunday, October 3, 2021, at the age of 68 years.
Mary Ott

Mary Ott

With great sadness, the family announces the passing of our Mom, Grandma and Great-Grandma, MARY OTT, in the early hours of Monday, October 4, 2021, at the age of 79 years
Myron Lee Hirsche

Myron Lee Hirsche

MYRON LEE HIRSCHE, of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Sharon Hirsche passed away peacefully at St Michael's Palliative Care Unit, on Thursday, September 30, 2021 at the age of 79 years.
Melba Edna Roy

Melba Edna Roy

MELBA EDNA ROY (Long Heppler) passed away at St Therese Villa in Lethbridge, Alberta, on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at the age of 90 years.