Hunter Loren Patterson, beloved son of Ted Patterson of Airdrie and Rita Patterson (Terry Miskey) of Lethbridge passed away suddenly on November 22, 2009 at 19 years of age in Lethbridge.
Hunter is survived by his brothers Randi Robinson of Edmonton, Rick Robinson (Shaundel) of Lethbridge, Jesse James Patterson of Lethbridge, and sister Justice Mackenzie Patterson of Red Deer, his grandparents Andy and Murielle Nikles of Lethbridge, many aunts and uncles: Elaine and Brian Robinson of Lethbridge, Maureen and Dan Campbell of Lethbridge, Keith Nikles of Calgary, Mary Lynn Nikles of Lethbridge, Greg and Roxanne Nikles of Lethbridge and Harry Patterson of Calgary and cousins Brenda, Steve, Kerri, Megan, Alisha, Natasha, Scott, Brendan, Rylan, Sean and Erin.