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Haniuk, Kay

KASTE "KAY" HANIUK (née Kaluska), passed away peacefully at St. Therese Villa, on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at the age of 91 years.

KASTE "KAY" HANIUK (née Kaluska), passed away peacefully at St. Therese Villa, on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at the age of 91 years.

She leaves to mourn and will be terribly missed by Einard, her loving husband of 69 years. She is survived by five nieces and nephews and several great-nieces and nephews and their families.

Kay was born and raised in Lethbridge. She met and married Einard in 1952. They spent most of their working years in various places in the United States, where they made many friends and loved to travel. They returned to live in Lethbridge and soon had a very active social life, including the Gyro Club and Bridge Club. Their many friends and neighbours became their "family" and helped them out as their health declined in recent years, for which their family is so grateful. Kay will always be remembered as a kind and caring person.

A Funeral Service will be held at CORNERSTONE FUNERAL HOME, 2825 - 32 Street South, Lethbridge, AB on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 1:30 P.M. with Patrick Siedlecki officiating. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, attendance will be limited. Kindly RSVP your attendance to Cornerstone at 403-381-7777 or  The service will be livestreamed and may be accessed via Kay's obituary on the Cornerstone website.

The Service will be livestreamed and available to view via Kay's obituary on the Cornerstone website.

Interment to follow at Royal View Cemetery.

Sincere condolences from my son Mark and myself. Kay was extraordinarily kind and supportive when my wife was ill during the period when we were next door neighbors in the early 1990s. The gatherings that Kay and Einard hosted were a source of fellowship and good memories. (Who can forget Kay's delicious fruit platters and her gracious manner?) I hope Einard can focus on the many blessings that he and Kay enjoyed together through the years and know that we are thinking of him and thankful to have shared a part of the journey.

Allan Johansson, December 16, 2021

Rest in peace Aunt Kay! You truly will be missed! The long talks we used to have on a phone once in a while and the time spent in your home some 10+ years ago, while visiting You for the first and only time I will never forget and carry deep in my heart forever! You are still my Aunt!

Einaras Ekleris & Family, Lithuania, December 7, 2021

Rest in peace Aunt Kay! You truly will be missed! The long talks we used to have on a phone once in a while and the time spent in your home some 10+ years ago, while visiting You for the first and only time I will never forget and carry deep in my heart forever! You are still my Aunt!

Einaras Ekleris & Family, Lithuania, December 7, 2021

Rest in peace Aunt Kay! You truly will be missed! The long talks we used to have on a phone once in a while and the time spent in your home some 10+ years ago, while visiting You for the first and only time I will never forget and carry deep in my heart forever! You are still my Aunt!

Einaras Ekleris & Family, Lithuania, December 7, 2021

Condolences to the Einard Haniuk in the recent loss of his loved one, Kay. Kay & Einard were friends of my deceased Aunty & Uncle - Leslie & Helen (Zmurchyk) Coyle and ties go way back to the Zmurchyk family as well. So sorry for your loss,

Laureen Tetzloff, December 5, 2021

Blessings to you. So sorry for your loss.

Kathy MacFarlane, December 2, 2021

So sorry to lose this special lady. We have many memories of our friendship and visits with Kay and Einard over the years. They were always gracious and welcoming and took our family under their wing. A cherished memory is taking them down the Old Man River in our canoe one beautiful afternoon, where they soaked in the scenery and watched the birds and wildlife. We are unable to attend today but our hearts are with the family.

Roy & Lynne Penniket, December 2, 2021

Sadly missed. A life well lived.

peter hanink & crystal stickwood, December 2, 2021

You will always be remembered.

DON HANIUK, December 1, 2021

We fondly remember Aunt Kay.

Karen & Bob Keeler, November 30, 2021